
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Dąbrowa Tarnowska Lisia Góra I saw Jews sitting still ...
Vilnius a village near Vilnius - The witness lived in this village The execution took place ...
Parczew (Jews from Kalisz, Kielce and Katowice) Juliopol Jews in Parczew found out...
Parczew (Jews from Kalisz, Kielce and Katowice) Juliopol 4 February 1940. Stadtver...
Jaslo, Krosno Rzepiennik near Tuchów On the third day, we were...
Jaslo (nearby Szebnie Concentration Camp) Bierowka Szebnie torture camp was ...
Kamionka Strumiłowa (along with Jews from Busko, Chołojów, and Radziechów) Kamionka Strumiłowa On Yom Kippur of 1942, th...
Kamianka, Busko, and Radziechow Kamianka-Buzka vicinity - Ternopil voivodeship [September 1942] From the...
Zagórów near Konin Konin Zagórów near Konin was li...
Radomsyl - Borowa Radomsyl - Borowa On 19th July Radomyśl was...
Kisielow and Borowce Kisielow and Borowce In the villages located o...
Kisielow and Borowce Horodenka a few hundred were drive...
Slobodka Lesna, near Otynia and neighboring villages Slobodka Lesna In early August [1941] in...
Płaszów (Jews from the "gulag" not the ghetto) Płaszów On the railway embankment...
Jaslo, Krosno Brzozów Another time we were take...
Krakow Borek Fałęcki (currently in Krakow) [2 May 1943 - liquidation...
Rzeszow Rudna In the woods in Rudna, be...
Baczki near Bochnia Baczki In Baczków, 3-4 km from B...
Iziaslav (Jews from "the Aryan side that had hidden) Iziaslav On 3 September [1942] aft...
Iłża Starachowice Forest [spring 1943] The wildern...
Rabka Zdroj (Jews from Rabka, Sącz, Nowy Targ, Jordanów and others) Tereska Each month between April ...
Jodłowa and others who were displaced Jodłowa on the border wiyh Przeczyca village On 12 August 1942, Jews w...
Białystok (Jews, Poles and Soviets) Dzikie On 21 June 1944 we return...
Frysztak Warzyce, near Jaslo The first action n Fryszt...
Chorzów (Jews from Holland and English prisoners) Chorzów In the cemetery there is ...